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Details - System Force Signs up to 10:10

10:10 is an ambitious project to unite every sector of British society behind one simple idea: that by working together we can achieve a 10% cut in the UK’s carbon emissions in 2010.

Why bother jumping out of the way of a speeding car?

Cutting 10% in one year is a bold target, but for most of us it’s an achievable one, and is in line with what scientists say we need over the next 18 months. We now know for certain that unless we act quickly to reduce our use of dirty fossil fuels, humanity will face terrible problems in the years to come. Politicians have so far failed to do what needs to be done, so it’s time for ordinary people to step in and show that we’re ready to defend our children’s futures. It’s now or never for the climate.

By signing up to a 10% target we’re not just supporting 10:10 – we’re making it happen. In our homes, in our workplaces, our schools and our hospitals, our galleries and football clubs and universities, we’ll be backing each other up as we take the first steps on the road to becoming a zero-carbon society. It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of a huge problem like climate change, but by uniting everyone behind immediate, effective and achievable action, 10:10 enables all of us to make a meaningful difference.

10:10 is the perfect opportunity to discover what’s possible when we work together. Let’s get started.





By signing up to 10:10 you commit to support the national drive to reduce Britain's emissions steeply in 2010. That means urging your staff, suppliers and customers to sign up to cut their own emissions by 10%, helping to distribute our tags, and doing everything you can to reduce your own operational emissions.

Joining 10:10 means aiming for a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in a single year. Not everyone will be able to hit this target and anything greater than a 3% cut will be considered a success. But 10:10 is all about giving it everything we’ve got. Until we do that, we won’t really know what’s possible anyway. Any large company that actually reaches the headline figure of 10% in a single year will have broken the record for private sector emissions cuts and will be hailed as a climate hero.

For most businesses 10% is ambitious but achievable. It’s the low hanging fruit: eliminating waste, increasing efficiency, that sort of thing.

What exactly do we have to do?

Carbon footprints can be measured in different ways, but for 10:10 purposes, we’re talking about four key areas:

  • electricity
  • on-site fuel use (gas, for most of us)
  • road transport
  • air travel

These are the four areas we will be asking you to report your progress on at the end of your 10:10 year. In addition, joining 10:10 means trying to find ways to reduce your other, harder to measure emissions not covered above, and doing what you can to encourage staff, customers and suppliers to get involved.

Why should we sign up?

Let’s face it – the writing is on the wall for carbon-hungry business practices.

Using less energy will increase profits. You’ll save money now as your bills shrink; you’ll save money in the future when laws force everyone else to catch up with you; and you’ll make money by keeping staff and winning customers from rivals who don’t seem to be doing their bit.

Reducing your footprint is also the right thing to do, of course. 10:10 is about coming together to build a better future for people and planet.

Why 10%? Why 2010?

With climate change, everyone talks about long-term targets: Britain’s committed to an 80% cut by 2050, and at least 34% by 2020. But scientists say it won’t be possible to meet these targets without the right action now – and that means cuts of around 10% in the very near future.